Amy B. Bacheller, M.Ed, NC


Sound vibration speaks to our souls. It speaks to our bodies. It bypasses the cognitive mind and when that happens a door opens. People can go through that door and discover miracles and mysteries in themselves that they never imagined.
~ Tom Kenyon

Everything is energy and everything carries a resonant vibrational frequency. Every mountain, river and stream on Earth, every planet, moon and galaxy in the universe, every organ, gland and chakra in our bodies has a vibrational frequency. Sound healing connects the dots between the realms as we embrace being fully human, bridging Heaven, on Earth. When we are infused with the soothing tones of the Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls, we receive the heavenly music of the cosmos, created by the crystal bowls of the earth, bringing harmony and healing to all levels of our body and being.

Sound healing goes beyond words. it brings us into coherence and harmonic resonance on all levels of body, mind, heart and soul. We drop into a state of grace, a place of inner peace. It speaks to our souls through our hearts, reminding us of our divinity. Reminding us of the truth of who we are, bringing us back to wholeness. Sound healing calms our nervous system and quiets our mind, allowing our inner wisdom to come forth. Allowing our guides and angels to connect with us more easily. Allowing our body to rest and recalibrate.

The Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls are created with a base of pristine clear quartz, melded with alchemies of precious gems, earth elements and minerals. Each bowl is unique, with a specific note, frequency and alchemy, bringing its own healing powers to the table. Simply being in the presence of their beauty is empowering.

At Scent From Heaven, every class includes a powerful sound healing meditation to enhance and deepen the topic. Private sessions with Amy can also include sound healing.

Look for YouTube videos coming soon.