Amy B. Bacheller, M.Ed, NC
Out of the entire cosmos, we chose to come to Planet Earth for this lifetime. We heard the call of Gaia and we came. She recognizes our soul signature as we return, once again, to her planet for our soul’s growth and to share the gifts of our medicine. Here on earth, we have support, wisdom and deep nourishment from the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms, as well as the nature spirits, elements and guardian elementals that share the planet with us. They are our teachers. It behooves us to treat them with abiding respect and gratitude and to be in co-operative partnership with them. They could easily exist without us, but we, as humans on earth, need all of them.
Earth is our school for this lifetime. As we get caught up in the busy-ness of our lives, we disconnect from the beauty and majesty that is here for us. It is time to reconnect, to re-establish the balance of nature and the nature of balance, both in our lives and upon the earth. It is time to see the world with eyes of love, opening to the miraculous bounty that surrounds us. It is time to put down our phones and step out the door…
On Earth at Scent From Heaven, we explore a variety of pathways for hope, healing and inspiration:
Sound healing with Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls. Amy sings the songs and gives voice to the messages of the earthly realms.
Connect with the plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms.
Connect with Nature Spirits and Elementals
Connect with Mother Earth
Sacred gardening based on the principles and practices of Findhorn
The healing power of essential oils
The healing power of crystals