Let’s Talk About Sprouts

Let’s talk about sprouts. Fresh, organic sprouts are one of the most powerful, nutrient rich foods that we can eat. Sprouts, a true living food filled with light, provide the best source of probiotics in the form of elevated micro-organisms. High in minerals, vitamins, mineral salts and a multitude of phytochemicals, sprouts provide support to power up our endocrine system, immune system, brain function, digestion, skin, and so much more.

Growing your own sprouts is super easy and fun. When we grow our own food it is designed for our unique needs. Fresh, local, and organic to the max! Each week I grow my three favorites: broccoli, which has a slightly bitter taste; fenugreek, with an alluring Indian flair; and clover, everyone’s best friend. At Hippocrates Institute and The Tree of Life, two raw food healing centers, they serve a wide variety of sprouts and microgreens at every meal, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I add them to wraps and salads or I like to eat them straight up. How do you use sprouts? Do you grow your own? Eat more sprouts. Your body will thank you! (For more information, read Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William.)


Creating Sacred Space With Quan Yin